The Spanish longevity economy plays a major role in driving economic activity in the country. By 2050, the number of over-50s in Spain is expected to reach 23.3 million people, accounting for half of the country’s population. Understanding the scale of impact of the longevity economy is essential to leveraging its strengths for economic development and prosperity in Spain. This research offers a cross-sectional view of the economic impact of the activities carried out by the population over 50 years old. It takes a differentiated look at the socioeconomic impact of the activities of the resident population and of tourists visiting the country. This research explores the socioeconomic contributions of the longevity economy in 2019, through the spending by over-50s resident in Spain, the spending by over-50s visitors to Spain and the labour market contributions of the cohort of over-50s in Spain.
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Suggested quotation: Study of the economics of longevity in Spain. International Center on Aging (CENIE); 2021.
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