Methodology of the II Senior Consumer Barometer

Universe: People aged 55 and over resident in Spain. According to INE data, updated to 1 January 2021, this target is 15,817,748 people.

Sample design: Random sample, stratified and with proportional allocation by sex and age, with a sample size of 1,525 interviews.

Sampling error: ±2.9%, in the usual sampling conditions with p=q=0.5 and a confidence level of 95.5%.

Method: Mixed telephone-online survey (CATI-CAWI), with a structured and closed questionnaire, which took approximately nine minutes to complete.

Fieldwork: Between 21 and 27 October 2021, guaranteeing the anonymity of respondents' answers.

Quality control: In accordance with the ISO 20252 standard, certified by AENOR and the ICC/ESOMAR international code of conduct.

Direction of the Ageingnomics Research Centre: Juan Fernández Palacios.

Direction of the Barometer: Iñaki Ortega Cachón and Manuel Sevillano.

Technical team: Jaime González, María Madrigal, Beatriz Laguna, Irene Sánchez.

*Elaborado por el Centro de Investigación Ageingnomics de Fundación MAPFRE