Legal terms
Organization Data
The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca (hereinafter FGUSAL), recognized as such and legally registered by Order July 20, 1998, Board of Castilla y León (BOCYL Nª 145, July 31, 1998). CIF G37338118 Register of Cultural Foundations and Teachers of the Ministry of Education.
Digital project International Centre on Ageing (CENIE)
The objective that FGUSAL wants to achieve with the creation of the Digital Project CENIE that is part of the International Centre on Ageing project, co-financed by the INTERREG VA, Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme, POCTEP, 2014-2020, is to address the socio-demographic challenges that show up with an ageing population, thus creating a vanguard space through which society in general and cross-border in particular, can be formally trained, share knowledge and good practices, as well as initiate projects that reinforce the human capital of the area.
Rules of use of the CENIE portal
Therefore, it is essential to establish a series of guidelines that allow the correct and legal use of the exchange spaces housed on the website www.cenie.eu, without this guide being exhaustive and establishing itself, expressly, that the fulfillment of these norms and in any case of the legality in force, is the exclusive responsibility of whoever accesses and uses the website.
The participation in www.cenie.eu implies the knowledge and full and unreserved acceptance of the present conditions.
Access to the page will only be allowed to adults.
The impersonation of third parties is prohibited.
It is prohibited to provide, directly or indirectly, personal data or information protected by Spanish regulations.
The use and participation of www.cenie.eu will always be done in accordance with these conditions and, in any case, with full respect for the law, morality, public order and generally accepted good practices, with special regard to respect and protection of youth and childhood.
The opinions expressed in the exchange and participation spaces correspond exclusively to those who issue them and the information disclosed to those who provide them.
In no case may use of the page with the intention to perform, or incite to perform unlawful acts, prohibited by applicable law (understood in a broad sense) expressly or implicitly, and/or injuring rights or property of any nature, both of FGUSAL and of third parties.
Participation in the portal must be done under the conditions and characteristics of format, source, extension, animations, etc. defined so that it does not generate problems in the correct and normal operation of it.
Content of participation in the portal: limitations and prohibitions
Exchanges of opinions will be moderate. The moderation team may initiate them, encourage participation, and may, where appropriate, proceed to summarize the interventions and reflect the conclusions reached. In any case, the moderation team may act at all times to enforce the present rules of use.
The contents that are false, inaccurate, non-exhaustive, partial or non-current and/or those that damage rights or property of third parties and illicit, unreliable or useless information transmitted through the exchange spaces will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the competitor.
FGUSAL will not be responsible for any opinion; Comment, expression, etc. discharges - directly or indirectly - by the partakers in the exchange of opinions. The responsibility will be exclusively held by the author or diffuser of those.
FGUSAL will not be liable for damages and losses of any kind that directly or indirectly produce to third parties, accommodation, transmission, and access to information and content provided by the partaker.
We do not allow:
a) Expressions or comments that imply insults, contents contrary to the laws, morality and public order, as well as those that may be considered discriminatory or assaults against the dignity of the person, sexist, xenophobic, defamatory, obscene, insulting, affect the appearance or disabilities, contrary to minorities or communities, etc.
b) Content or messages that contain or incite violence or the commitment of unlawful civil or criminal acts.
c) False, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated, out of place and/or that may generate confusion about its purpose or the intention of the issuer.
d) Expressions that attempt or discredit the credit of FGUSAL, any of its members or employees or third parties.
Commercial advertising is strictly prohibited.
The use of elements that may produce the transmission of viruses or elements of any nature that generate total or partial damage, or involve abnormal operation of the computer equipment of FGUSAL and/or third parties, including both hardware and software as well as the files stored in said computer equipment, is not allowed. In no way will FGUSAL be responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements of the contents that may affect your computer systems or stored files.
You can not ignore or infringe, in any way and manner, the "copyright" and other data identifying the reservation of rights or their owners or any means included for that purpose.
It is not allowed to publish photos or images of minors nor of third parties without their consent, or any type of content, whatever their form be (written, visual, audio, etc.) whose intellectual property belongs to a third party.
Spamming or links to websites other than the portal's subject will not be allowed.
Intellectual and industrial property rights and copyright
The works and contents disseminated on this website are protected by Creative Commons licenses. The Creative Commons or CC licenses are inspired by the GPL (General Public License) of the Free Software Foundation, sharing much of its philosophy. The main idea behind them is to enable a legal model aided by computer tools, to facilitate the distribution and use of content. There is a series of Creative Commons licenses, each with different configurations, which allows authors to decide the way in which their work will circulate on the Internet, giving freedom to quote, reproduce, create derivative works and offer them publicly, under certain different restrictions. All the contents created by the CENIE users will be under the license:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
This license allows to share, copy, distribute and publicly communicate the work under the following conditions:
- Attribution: the work or content must be attributed to its author in the form they may specify.
- Non-commercial: this work cannot be used for commercial purposes.
- Without derivative work: the user cannot alter, transform or build on this work.
This Creative Commons license applies to the contents created by FGUSAL and its collaborators for the CENIE website; Therefore, contents (texts, images, logos, etc.) that are not property of FGUSAL or any of its collaborators or users are excluded, for whose reproduction it will be necessary to request permission to the owner of the rights.
FGUSAL owns the domain name www.cenie.eu, as well as the pages and contents that are accessed directly through it and the distinctive signs, logos and other graphic representations that appear on its referred page to the same.
All the contents of FGUSAL's web pages, whatever their support and nature (photographs, texts, images, logos and design, etc.), are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations. The rights on the contents belong to FGUSAL and, where appropriate, to third parties.
The user of the website must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed in it, as well as the contents or opinions expressed through the web.
FGUSAL does not assume the obligation to control the use that third parties make of the exchange spaces or the contents and information in them hosted or expressed. Nevertheless, FGUSAL reserves the right to suppress, eliminate or not publish those opinions.
Likewise, FGUSAL is excluded from any responsibility for the use made by third parties of the content of the website, the contents of their participation, from verifying the identity of the participants, as well as the authenticity of the data they provide regarding your people and/or third parties.
FGUSAL will collaborate with the competent organisms and authorities when it is instructed that the service must be suspended; contents are withdrawn or when it has actual knowledge that there is an illegal content or activity, or infringement of your own and/or rights of third parties, without being responsible for the illegal acts or contents or the suspension or interruption of the portal or parts of it.
Without detriment to the aforementioned situation, FGUSAL reserves the right to review and eliminate - without prior notice - and without explanation - any information or opinion found on the page.
In any case, this right may be exercised a priori, to avoid dissemination, or a posteriori, eliminating opinions; information, links, etc. when you have well-founded complaints about them; contain or support topics or positions not permitted by the legality or rules of use of the portal; include advertising; or be prejudicial for the good functioning of the web, etc.
FGUSAL is not responsible for any information that can be accessed through links or referrals through its website. If it is certain that said contents infringe the rights of third parties or the current legality, the contact channel provided by FGUSAL may be used to eliminate said links and/or referrals.
FGUSAL may eliminate this web space, at any time and without prior notice.
Applicable law
This document is governed in its entirety by Spanish law and any dispute will be resolved in Salamanca, Spain.
Privacy policy and data protection
1. The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca (hereinafter FGUSAL), recognized as such and legally registered by Order July 20, 1998, Board of Castilla y León (BOCYL Nª 145, July 31, 1998), with registered office in Salamanca , Hospedería del Colegio Fonseca, C / Fonseca, 2 (37002), and CIF G37338118 Registry of Cultural Foundations and Teachers of the Ministry of Education, as the owner for all purposes of this website www.cenie.eu and responsible for the automated files derived from it, guarantees the full and full compliance with the obligations laid down in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, as well as those provided in its development Regulation, approved by the Real Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 (hereinafter, LOPD and RLOPD) and other applicable regulations.
2. This statement is intended to inform volunteers of the personal data protection policy followed by FGUSAL. The completion of the voluntary agreement through which the volunteer provides personal information implies the express and unequivocal consent for the treatment of your personal data in the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy.
3. The personal data provided through this voluntary agreement, and those provided by the volunteers at any time, will be included in a mixed file of data owned by FGUSAL and kept under its responsibility. The purpose of this file is the compliance and management of the relationships we maintain with the volunteer. The personal data contained in this file will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.
4. FGUSAL may modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with legislative requirements or self-regulation, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.
5. FGUSAL is fully aware of the use and treatment that should be given to personal data that may be required or that may be obtained from users on its web pages in order to manage the services offered or to send them commercial communications of products or services that may be of their interest.
6. FGUSAL will adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and thus prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given the state of the technology in accordance with the provisions of the RLOPD. However, FGUSAL can not guarantee the absolute impregnability of the Internet network and therefore the violation of data by fraudulent access to them by third parties.
7. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States of America and that, as determined by Google, is governed by Google's general terms, accessible at http://www.google.com/analytics/tos.html and Google's privacy policy, accessible at http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html#toc-faq
In particular, according to Google:
"Google Analytics uses" cookies ", text files located on your computer, to help the website analyze the use made by users of the website. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website (including the IP address) will be directly transmitted and archived by Google in the servers of the United States. Google will use this data on our behalf for the purpose of obtaining information about the use of the website, compiling reports on the activity of the website and providing other services related to the activity of the website and the use of the Internet. Google may transmit such information to third parties when required by law, or when such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can refuse the processing of your data or your information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate configuration of your browser, however, you should know that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website you consent to the treatment by Google, in the manner and for the purposes indicated above, of the information about you that it has".
FGUSAL uses this data with the ultimate goal of improving its services. The information that FGUSAL stores through this mechanism allows to recognize the user in his different visits to the website. The user can configure their browser to accept or reject cookies; However, FGUSAL advises you and is grateful that you activate the acceptance of cookies in order to obtain more precise data that allow us to improve the content and adapt it to the user's preferences. FGUSAL is not responsible for the fact that the deactivation of cookies prevents the proper functioning of the page.
8. The users will respond, in any case, for the veracity of the facilitated data and they are responsible to communicate to FGUSAL any modification in the same ones, being FGUSAL exempt of any type of responsibility in this respect.
9. The volunteer can, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding your personal data by writing to the addresses indicated in each case or to the address info@cenie.eu, identifying and specifying their request.
10. FGUSAL, under Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, under no circumstances send advertising and communications for sale or other purposes of a commercial nature to users without their prior request or consent. Likewise, neither will it send unsolicited messages nor previously consented nor send unsolicited chains of electronic messages or previously consented.
11. FGUSAL informs users that, if they have requested the sending of commercial messages or alerts, they can unsubscribe from this type of communication by following the instructions indicated in each case or by communicating it in writing to info@cenie.eu.
General legal bases of the contests promoted by this project:
1. Any interested person may participate in the Contests without age limits, however, it is requested that, in the case of the Contests directed to minors, the sending of the candidature and the personal data of the participant/s, be carried out by a person over 18 years of age (eg, father, teacher, etc.).
2. When sending a work through one of the various means described below, it supposes being of legal age (18 years +).
3. Participants must be residents of Spain.
4. A maximum of one application may be submitted per participant.
5. The format and extension of the candidatures will be stipulated in the particular bases of each Contest.
6. The deadlines for submission of candidatures will be stipulated in the particular bases of each Contest. The works received outside the indicated date will not be accepted.
7. The participants in the Contests may send their candidatures in different ways:
Online form
Email to info@cenie.eu
Ordinary mail to the following address:
General Foundation of the University of Salamanca
International Centre on Ageing
Fonseca Street, 2. 37002 Salamanca.
8. The Contests will be resolved by a jury composed of the team of professionals of the International Centre on Ageing. The selection criteria of the winners will be based on whether they meet the requirements established in the bases of each contest, the functionality, originality and creativity of the work and if it supposes a functional as well as empathic utility for users of the International Centre on Ageing.
9. The decision of the jury will be made public on the portal, social networks and by e-mail to the winners.
10. The names of the winners and their works will be published on the website of the International Centre on Ageing. They will also receive a prize stipulated in the specific rules of each Contest.
11. The decision of the jury will be unappealable.
12. The works must be original.
13. Works with commercial or advertising content will not be accepted.
14. The organization reserves the right to disqualify any submitted work that does not meet the conditions and norms stipulated here.
15. By accepting the rules of the competition, the International Centre on Ageing is authorized to publish on the web the works of the winning and non-winning participants, as well as their dissemination on social networks. The privacy and data protection policy is outlined below.
16. The submission of your application implies acceptance of these rules.
17. In the bases of each contest, there may be specifications, exceptions or additions to these bases. It is the responsibility of the participant to inform him or herself of the bases regarding the Contest.