

4 innovative proposals selected to improve the quality of life the elderly

4 innovative proposals selected to improve the quality of life the elderly

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca (FGUSAL), within the framework of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), with the collaboration of the COTEC Foundation for Innovation, promoted a competitive tendering procedure for the hiring of innovative works that, totally or partially, identify, analyse or tackle challenges associated with innovation, with an open approach to ageing and the longevity of people. To this end, two priority lines were established:

A. Technological applications in favour of the quality of life of the elderly

B. Habitats that enhance the quality of life of older people

After the evaluation of the 27 pre-selected proposals, in the preparation of which more than 80 researchers participated, the following 4 proposals were awarded for a financial amount of 96,730 euros:

- ITINERA2" - CTIC Technology Centre (Priority Line A)

ITINERA2 aims to create an intelligent route based on IoT and gamification that offers a friendly environment aimed at promoting healthy habits and fighting loneliness in older adult population in the semi-rural environment affected by depopulation.

- Brain-Computer Interface Platform (BCI) for cognitive training to combat cognitive deterioration associated with ageing" - Valladolid University (Priority Line A)

BCI's main objective is to design, develop and evaluate a Brain-Computer Interface platform for cognitive training that will effectively combat the deterioration of cognitive functions produced by aging using Neurofeedback techniques.

- El Mayor conEctado, Relacionado y asIsTIdo"- EMERITI" - Salamanca University (Expert Syxtems and Applications) (Priority Line B)

EMERITI seeks to investigate how to effectively introduce the use of voice assistants by elderly people to speed up their domestic chores, foster relationships with their families and improve their assistance in their daily lives.

- habINdem - Habitats Inclusivos para la demencia" - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Riba de Ave (Priority Line B)

habINdem aims to foster the creation of an inclusive community for people with dementia taking into account the environmental, social and cultural contexts nearby as is the case of Spain and Portugal, through the adequacy of institutional habitats, domestic and surrounding spaces meeting guidelines that support the design and adaptation of the same to people (different types of people with dementia, contexts and different degrees of evolution of the disease).

This contract is part of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), an initiative approved within the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, 2014-2020, (POCTEP), of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The International Centre on Ageing is a positive response to a sociodemographic reality that has to face new challenges and opportunities. To this end, it promotes research programmes, promotes actions that favour a change in perception of older people and develops training and information programmes.