Conversations in Salamanca: understanding the ageing process Chapter III: Tom Kirkwood and José María Calleja

If a subject is important for society, its analysis must be shared and its understanding encouraged by the whole population in order to strengthen and legitimize all the efforts that have to be made in the search for the most appropriate answers.
Therefore, bringing together the knowledge of those scientists who are at the forefront of research and sharing reflections, questions and answers with them is, without a doubt, a priority commitment for the International Center on Ageing (CENIE).
The cycle of dialogues that make up "Conversations in Salamanca: understanding the ageing process" has the aspiration of being a further contribution towards overcoming barriers in terms of opening and bringing closer knowledge.
In this third chapter of "Conversations in Salamanca: understanding the ageing process", which have returned to the Hospedería Fonseca Auditorium, we had as guest the biologist Tom Kirkwood and the journalist José María Calleja. The prestigious scientist from the University of Newcastle offered the keys to better face this new reality, paying special attention to highlight the positive impacts that ageing has on the economy and society.
The institutions promoted by CENIE are the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, the General Foundation of the Higher Council of Scientific Research, the Direção-Geral da Saúde of Portugal and the Universidade do Algarve, whose main objective is to lay the foundations for the construction of a common vision between Spain and Portugal facing such a fundamental issue nowadays as ageing. The CENIE is part of the INTERREG V-A, Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme (POCTEP), 2014-2020, of the European Union. The complete interview here.