PASCAL BRUCKNER: "renouncing nothing but renunciation".
Longevity is one of the greatest achievements of our times. A long-cherished goal in the history of mankind, which today we have turned into a happy, growing and promising reality.
Giving people more years to live has been the fruit of a sustained effort to improve our health, our hygiene, our sanitation, our education... But such an achievement will only achieve its full meaning if we are able to see it as a stage full of possibilities, of new and exciting challenges to face; if we understand longevity as one of the essential factors in the transformation of our social organisation. And as the horizon where each and every person, with equal opportunities, can enjoy and exercise their right to end their lives in a dignified and healthy manner.
Pascal Bruckner, from his incisive and lucid point of view, and in dialogue with Concepción Galdón, draws the new cartography of longevity and old age which, far from meaning withdrawal, decadence or postponement, embrace the active value of existence, maintain the essential company of curiosity and desire, and advocate participation. And they make their own the permanent and revitalising renunciation of renunciation.
"Conversations in Salamanca: understanding longevity" is part of the Programme for a Longevity Society, an approved initiative (0551_PSL_6_E) in the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Programme, Spain-Portugal, (POCTEP), 2014-2020, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).