A new edition of the CENIE photography competition is open, now under the title: "Intergenerational relationships: a source of vitality".

The International Centre on Aging (CENIE), among other relevant actions, is the promoter and developer of the Programme for a Long-Lived Society, based on the strategic decision to address longevity as one of the strengths of present and future society.
The Programme for a Long-Lived Society is based on the need to encourage, support and implement studies and research into scientific and technological advances and to promote communicative actions that contribute to discovering the empowering reality of the new long-lived societies, helping to improve their social perception and strengthening the factors of progress and growth that such a promising reality implies.
The Programme for a Long-Lived Society is an approved initiative (0551_PSL_6_E) in the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Programme, Spain-Portugal, (POCTEP), 2014-2020, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
4th Edition of the Photography Contest
Following the successful participation of previous editions, for the fourth consecutive year the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, as part of the activities of the Programme for a long-lived society, launches the Call for its International Photography Contest.
The theme chosen for this year's edition of the competition is "Intergenerational relationships: source of vitality".
The aim is to take a new, artistic and creative look at one of the key factors resulting from the continuous increase in longevity. Nowadays, in the same period of time, four or five generations coincide. And not on a one-off basis, as was previously the case, but on an increasingly daily and universal basis.
Intergenerationality is much more than multigenerationality. It means encouraging the connection between the different generations, in order to generate new dynamics of relationships and social behaviour. To unite knowledge, values and attitudes in favour of a more plural society, more cohesive, committed, supportive and open to the participation of all.
The edition of the Photography Competition, promoted by the Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca (FGUSAL), in the framework of the Programme for a long-lived society, will start on 29 July 2022 and will end on 31 December 2022 at 24:00h (UTC+01:00- Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris).
By completing and submitting the entry form, each entrant agrees to comply with and abide by the rules of the competition.
Who can participate
Any person, professional or amateur photographer, over 18 years of age.
How to participate
In order to participate, each entrant must upload the photo(s) he or she wishes to enter in the place assigned for this purpose, by registering on our site and creating his or her user account.
To do this, click on the user icon that appears in the top right-hand corner, next to the magnifying glass. Once you have completed this requirement, you will be able to upload your photo in the corresponding category.
To consult the terms and conditions of the competition, click here.