CENIE (International Centre on Ageing), promoted by the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, has closed the second edition of Open Dialogue, which has focused on the theme of the new long-lived societies. Throughout its thirteen articles, an in-depth, rigorous and multidisciplinary analysis has been carried out on the challenges and opportunities that demographic change presents in our society today.
This edition of Open Dialogue has been a success, as reflected in the data obtained: the Spanish version has reached a total of 416,926 readings, while the Portuguese version 153,082 readings. Overall, there have been 570,008 readings, an average of 43,847 readings per article.
The invited experts have contributed to enriching knowledge and providing reflections from various multidisciplinary perspectives. They have addressed topics such as healthy ageing, financial health, the importance of innovation, technology and public policies in the care and attention of the elderly and the role of cities, among others.
This edition of Open Dialogue dedicated to the new long-lived societies has been a very valuable initiative, as it has allowed a deep and rigorous reflection on what longevity entails for today's society. This demographic change represents both a challenge and an opportunity for society as a whole, and a detailed, knowledge-based analysis is necessary to understand it and face its challenges. For this reason, we are grateful for the participation of the relevant experts who, with the coordination of Diego Valero, with their contributions, have made possible a conversation of a high scientific level, although this has not prevented the necessary approach to the non-specialist public interested in the subject.
The participating experts were:
- Andrew J. Scott – London Business School
- Juan Fernández Palacios - Fundación MAPFRE's Ageingnomics Research Centre
- Nicholas Barr – London School of Economics
- José Antonio Herce - LoRIS (Longevity & Retirement Income Solutions)
- Mercedes Ayuso/Jorge Bravo – Universitat de Barcelona / Nova University of Lisbon
- Juha Alho – University of Helsinki
- Arun Muralidhar - Mcube Investment Technologies LLC
- David Tuesta – Peru's former Minister of Finance
- Kostas Vrachnos – Philosopher and Poet
- Consuelo Borrás – Valencia University
- Alfonso González Hermoso de Mendoza - Association Espacios de Educación Superior
- Paz Martín – Foundation Arquitectura y Sociedad
- Diego Bernardini – Family doctor and science communicator.
Open Dialogue is part of the Programme for a Long-Lived Society (PSL), within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
To consult the articles you can click here.