ITINERA2 Project

ITINERA2 is proposed as a solution aimed at improving the quality of life of people in the process of aging through their environment and applicable to open spaces, especially in green areas, thus adjusting to a scenario of preference of this population. A proposal that materializes in different specific objectives such as:
- To develop a technological solution that allows for the strengthening of quality social relations, using physical activity as a means, especially in rural environments and depopulated areas, offering support to policies for the promotion of population health.
- Improve the subjective well-being and quality of life of the elderly population by promoting physical activity in sedentary elderly people, depending on their personal characteristics.
- To increase adherence to sports practice in active elderly people through gamma techniques, modifying patterns of active behaviour linked to healthy ageing.
- To offer innovative leisure alternatives aimed at physical activity among the elderly.
- To combat population dispersion in rural territories and depopulated areas especially affected by demographic change through the concentration of activities in ageing-friendly communities, designed to favour active life and socialisation among the elderly.
- To increase the use of existing natural environments, providing a solution within a scenario of preference of this population when practicing any physical activity.