Progress Report
After reviewing the literature on the topic of technologies in the most advanced stages of life (https://cenie.eu/pt/blogs/securhome/estudo-de-campo-em- portugal-e-span), we started field work in order to achieve the objectives of Project 3 of the Securhome Programme. The tasks performed by the Portuguese team in relation to the field work are described below.
1. Tasks already carried out
1.1 Preparatory meeting with colleagues from the University of Aveiro
- a) Meeting held on April 12, 2019, with the objective of familiarizing the team of CICS.Nova/UAlg with the application to be evaluated.
1.2 Preliminary contacts with colleagues from the University of Castilla-La Mancha
- a) Contacts made by e-mail in June 2019, with the aim of coordinating the field work plan for Spain and Portugal
1.3 Definition of the criteria for inclusion in the sample (fieldwork in Portugal)
- a) Be 65 years of age or older
- b) Living in the Algarve region
- c) Have the capacity to operate, at least, with the application
These are the basic criteria, but there is a concern to ensure a diverse sample in terms of gender, age, level of dependency (application of the Barthel index) and social class.
1.4 Definition of sampling techniques
- a) Snowball sample
- b) Sample of convenience
- c) Intentional/thought sample
1.5 Definition of the forms of contracting the sample
- a) Personal knowledge/privileged contacts
- b) Retiree associations
- c) Social facilities and services
- d) Third age universities
1.6. Contracting the sample in the field
- a) Eight participants have already been recruited and a total of some 20 participants are expected to be recruited. The remaining participants will be recruited iteratively (in a theoretical sampling logic), i.e. according to analytical needs.
1.7 Refining the data collection strategy and tools
- a) the data collection strategy is being finalized in conjunction with the University of Aveiro
- b) Data collection tools are being finalized and will be briefly tested on a pilot basis