
Sala Menor de la Hospedería del Colegio Fonseca, Salamanca

Agora of CENIE: Marina Villegas

Ágora del CENIE: Marina Villegas

The State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020 is the fundamental instrument of the General State Administration for the development and achievement of the objectives of the SPANISH STRATEGY AND EUROPE STRATEGY 2020 .




The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, through the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation, has drawn up the State Plan, counting with public research centres and universities, technology centres and interface units, business associations, existing technological platforms and experts from the scientific, technical and business community.

The State Plan 2017-2020 is integrated by four State Programmes:

1. State Programme for the promotion of talent and its employability in R&D

2. State efor the generation of knowledge and scientific and technological strengthening of the R&D system

3. State programme of business leadership in R&D

4. State R&D Programme oriented to the challenges of society

The Strategic Plan in Health and the Strategic Action in Economy and Digital Society are part of the State Plan, to which the Connected Industry 4.0 Strategic Action is added as a novelty. The specific objectives of the State Plan for the period 2017-2020 are associated with the Spanish Strategy of Science and Technology and Innovation 2013-2020 and include:

  • Encourage the incorporation and training of human resources in R&D
  • Strengthen scientific leadership and the capabilities of the R&D system
  • Activate private investment in R&D and the technological capabilities of the productive fabric
  • Promote the potential and impact of R&D in benefit of the challenges of society
  • Promote an open and responsible R&D model supported by the participation of society
  • Effectively coordinate R&D policies and financing at regional, state and European level

With the collaboration of STATE RESEARCH AGENCY

The State Research Agency's mission is to promote scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the competitive and efficient allocation of public resources, monitoring of the actions financed and their impact, and planning advice of the actions or initiatives through which the R&D policies of the General State Administration are implemented.

Its object is the financing, evaluation, management and monitoring of the scientific and technical research activity aimed at the generation, exchange and exploitation of knowledge promoted by the General State Administration by its own initiative or in concurrence with others.

With the collaboration of Spanish Administrations or entities or other countries or international organizations. And its aims are the promotion of scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge through the efficient allocation of public resources, the promotion of excellence, the promotion of collaboration among the agents of the System and the support for the generation of knowledge of high scientific and technical, economic and social impact, including those aimed at solving the major challenges of society, and monitoring the activities financed as well as the necessary advice to improve the design and planning of actions or initiatives to through which the R&D policies of the General State Administration are implemented.
