

The III Senior Consumer Barometer has been published

Presentado el III Barómetro del Consumidor Sénior

The increase in life expectancy today is often accompanied by a negative and prejudiced view of the older population. For this reason, it is necessary to studies that shed light on this reality are necessary.

The III Senior Consumer Barometer, prepared by Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with Google Spain, shows that older people in Spain have more than one income at home (one in two), manage to save at the end of the month (4 out of 10), help their relatives (4 out of 10) and own their own home (8 out of 10). They also take care of their health through diet (7 out of 10), travel for leisure (7 out of 10) and are well informed, which makes them more concerned about the economic situation than in previous years.

The International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) continues its line of collaboration with the Mapfre Foundation and its Ageingnomics Research Centre with the publication of the Senior Consumer Barometer.

The report has been carried out by the Ageingnomics Research Centre (Fundación MAPFRE), directed by Juan Fernández Palacios, and has been directed by Iñaki Ortega Cachón and Manuel Sevillano, as well as a technical team made up of Jaime González, María Madrigal, Beatriz Laguna and Irene Sánchez.

Here you can consult the methodology and conclusions of the Barometer, as well as an interview with Juan Fernández Palacios, director of the Ageingnomics Research Centre.