Ángel García Crespo
PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Ángel García Crespo holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. His thesis was awarded by the J.A. Artigas Institute. He did his Executive MBA at the Instituto de Empresa. He has been project manager in different IT consulting companies, IDS, ENTEL, ..., until 1994 when he founded Protos desarrollo. He has worked making systems for the insurance sector, energy and telecommunications. He has been advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Scientific-Technological information systems of Spain.

He is currently Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is director of the SoftLab research group and Director of the Institute for Technological Development and Promotion of Innovation. His lines of research focus on the integrated management of software projects, the semantic web and accessibility to audiovisual environments, with more than one hundred articles in conferences and international journals has also been a researcher responsible for several dozen R & D projects.
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