

Cycle of Encounters with Researchers: Call for Scientific Poster Presentations Open

Cycle of Encounters with Researchers: Call for Scientific Poster Presentations Open

During the months of September, October and November 2021, promoted by the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) and the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, the Cycle Encounters with Researchers will take place, entitled "RESEARCH AND LONGEVITY: Looking for positive answers for long lives", the aim of which is to learn about the work being carried out by research centres, universities, companies and other entities, to promote quality of life in the elderly in a socio-demographic context where we have reached, especially in Spain and Portugal, one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

This activity is part of the project Programme for a long-lived society approved within the framework of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The programme of these meetings is aimed at a professional and/or academic audience. However, any other person interested in the subject will be able to participate, as the topics to be discussed go beyond the academic spheres.

In parallel to the conference programme, a selection of research projects aimed at improving the quality of life in ageing societies will be presented.  The selection of the posters to be exhibited will be carried out by a Scientific Committee.  

To this end, this call is open for the presentation of posters (scientific communications) explaining research projects, developed or under development, that coincide with the aforementioned objective.

Presentation of posters

If you wish to participate in this call, you can send your poster, in electronic format and with the data requested below, through the portal of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) ( or by e-mail to including the text "CANDIDATURE RESEARCHERS POSTER" in the subject of the message: 

Name and surname of the person to contact

Town, province, postcode


DNI / ID number

Contact telephone number

Contact email


Name of the represented organisation (if the authors belong to one)

Position in the represented entity



Abstract (max. 250 words)

Poster file in PDF, to be sent as an attachment in the same email. 

Characteristics of the poster

The following are the characteristics that must be met by the work presented:


Introduction or synopsis

- Materials and methods

- Results

- Conclusions 

- Title

- Authors and affiliation

- Bibliography


To facilitate the reading of the poster, it is recommended to follow the following indications:

Minimum 150 pixels per inch

All posters must have vertical orientation

File format: PDF. If they take up too much space, they can be high quality JPG.

Minimum font size: 10-12 pts. Use a font that is easy to read at a distance of 1.5 metres.

The poster must be written in Spanish or Portuguese. 

It must be on a single sheet of paper, A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and the file must not exceed 10 Megas.

The upper part of the poster must include, in order: title, authors (indicating the contact person and underlining the name of the person responsible for the oral presentation in the event of being selected) and place of work.

All types of graphics may be used. It is recommended to use a colour code, labels, sections or numbers to guide the correct reading sequence.

Audiovisual document

In order to facilitate the understanding of the posters presented, each selected poster will be accompanied by a brief explanation by the authors, in video format, the duration of which may not exceed 3 minutes.

It must be recorded in horizontal format, with a minimum resolution of 720p (HD) in 1280px (width) x 720 px (height), AVI or MP4 format.

Deadline for submission 

The deadline for submission will be from 15 April 2021 to 15 July 2021 at 14:59h. Entries received after this date, or which do not follow the rules described above, will not be accepted.

Selection process

The Scientific Committee will analyse the posters submitted and will make a selection of those that will be displayed in the Permanent Virtual Room of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE). The Committee's decision will be notified to the authors of the selected posters by Wednesday, 15 September 2021.

Oral presentation at the Researchers' Meeting

From the selected posters, the Scientific Committee will choose the 3 scientific posters they consider to be of greatest relevance to be presented, by the authors, at the Researchers' Meeting Cycle. The authors will be informed of the decision of the Scientific Committee before 15 September 2021. 

The organisation will assume all the expenses necessary to ensure an adequate presentation of the selected papers.

Rules for participation 

  1. Papers must be original. They may not have been presented at congresses or conferences, or published in national or foreign journals, prior to the holding of the Cycle Encounters with Researchers entitled "RESEARCH AND LONGEVITY: seeking positive answers for long lives".
  2. The content of the communications must be related to the identification of proposals that improve the quality of life of the elderly and/or the title of the meeting "RESEARCH AND LONGEVITY: looking for positive answers for long lives".
  3. Papers must be submitted in Spanish or Portuguese.
  4. The deadline for submission of posters (scientific communications) is 15 July 2021 at 14:59 hours. 
  5. Accepted papers will be notified by 31 July 2021.
  6. The modality to present a poster will be through the portal of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) ( or by sending an email to, with the subject "CANDIDATURE RESEARCHERS POSTER".
  7. Once the communication has been sent, it will be considered definitive. Subsequent modifications, changes or incorporation of new data to the scientific poster are not permitted.
  8. Authors must state their surnames followed by the initials of their first name (e.g. Sánchez Martínez, A). 
  9. The title must be written in capital letters, and the use of abbreviations is not permitted.
  10. The abstract should be structured as follows: objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions.
  11. All correspondence from the Scientific Committee will be addressed to the first signatory, who will be informed of the acceptance or rejection of his/her project. The decision will preferably be communicated by email or telephone. The email address and mobile phone number of the first signatory must be provided for contact by the Scientific Committee.
  12. The authors submitting the project are responsible for ensuring that the work submitted complies with the ethical requirements regarding clinical research or animal experimentation, as well as aspects relating to the protection of personal data.
  13. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to select the papers to be presented in an oral presentation.
  14. Submission of a poster implies acceptance of these rules.
  15. Papers received after the deadline or which do not comply with these rules will not be accepted.
  16. Submission of a poster implies the author's consent to its publication.
  17. Posters with commercial or advertising content will not be accepted. 
  18. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any poster submitted that does not comply with the conditions and rules stipulated herein.  
  19. The organisation guarantees full and complete compliance with the obligations laid down in relation to Personal Data Protection regulations.