We are looking for a winner for the photo contest "Long lives lives: the constant vitality".

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), organised within the framework of the Programme for a Long-lived Society, in July 2021, the photography competition "Long lived lives: the constant vitality", hoping for the participation of all those who, through their looks, captured in their photographs, could contribute to defining longevity as a healthy and gratifying vital stage; in the words of the philosopher Pascal Bruckner: "Traditionally, old age was seen as the period of appeasement, of wisdom made of benevolence and resignation. We can no longer accept this vision of a gentle slope where the weakening of the body and the decline of ambitions converge. What we have to think about now, and while the elderly will be in the majority in the middle of the 21st century, is a dynamic old age that remains open to knowledge, to desire, to travel and renounces nothing but renunciation".
510 photographers from 46 countries took part in the photography competition, submitting a total of 1,881 photos.
The evaluation and selection of the works submitted was carried out by an exceptional jury made up of José Antonio Díaz, Julio Galeote, Beatriz Martínez, Ana Palacios, Jorge Salgado and José Luis Amores, who, in accordance with the competition rules, chose the 60 finalists who now compete for the "People's Choice" prize.
About this 3rd edition of the competition and the images, they wanted to state the following:
"The jury of this edition would like to highlight the great participation and especially the high level of photography that the competition has experienced in this edition.
All the members of the jury agreed that it was very difficult to select, not only the finalists, but also and more specifically the winners, due to the high quality of all the works presented and in all the categories of the competition.
We would like to congratulate all those who have participated and encourage them to continue to offer their photographs the wonderful possibility of being seen, commented on and enjoyed by all".
Online voting now open
The winner of the "People's Choice" award will be the photograph that receives the most votes from the public and will receive a prize of €2,000.
The public will be able to choose, if they wish, a favourite photograph in each category through the online voting system available on our website. To do so, the user must first register via the icon placed at the top right of the page, next to the magnifying glass. Only one vote per user and category is allowed.
The voting period will end on 30 June 2022 at 24:00h (UTC+01:00- Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris).
The winner will be announced on the website of the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) in July, together with the other prize winners in all categories.
This activity is part of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).