Concurso fotográfico
Gran Premio 5ª Edición
El baño diario
Un grupo de gente toma un baño a primera hora de la mañana en la playa de Zarautz.
Intergenerational relationships: a source of vitality
The photo competition "Intergenerational Relationships: A Source of Vitality", launched in June 2022, attracted 384 photographers from 34 countries. A total of 1,750 entries were submitted.
With a total of seven prizes ranging from 1,250 to 5,000 euros, the winners, from backgrounds as diverse as the participation obtained in the competition, have exhibited their work, managing to stand out from the rest and being valued by a professional jury that respected and followed at all times the guidelines indicated in the rules.
The photographs chosen not only meet the required criteria but also stand out for their quality and vision of what this competition is all about.
The works submitted were evaluated by an exceptional jury made up of Pepe Baeza, Hanna Jarzabek, José Ayma, Susana Girón, Jorge Salgado and José Luis Amores.
Pepe Baeza: Editor-in-chief of photography at "La Vanguardia" Magazine, from 1990 to 2015. Graphic editor at El Periódico de Cataluña. Born in Valencia, Pepe Baeza has a PhD in Information Sciences, and teaches "Theory and technique of photojournalism" and "Photographic genres" at the UAB. Author of the book Por una función crítica de la fotografía de prensa, an essential piece to understand the situation of photojournalism in Spain.
Hanna Jarzabek: International photojournalist of Polish origin based in Barcelona (Spain). Between 1996 and 2008 she lived in Geneva, where she completed her Master's degree in Political Science, working as an analyst. She has published in Le Nouvel Observateur, Alternatives Internationales, Interviú, El Periódico de Cataluña, 7k magazine, Polityka, Gaveta Wyborcza. She has won awards at the Marylin Stafford Fotoreportage Award (UK 2021) and was selected among the "Futures Talents 2020" among others. She has received several grants and mentions and has been a finalist in the 19th FotoPres "la Caixa" and Grand Press Photo 2012 (Poland), University of Murcia (2021). His project "Flores de otoño" won the Third Prize POY Latam 2015, in the Multimedia category.
Jorge Salgado: He began his photographic training in 1985 at the Centro de Estudios de la Imagen in Madrid, and subsequently began working as an assistant to several advertising photographers and as a director and camera operator on various film productions, commercials and corporate videos for large companies and institutions. He worked in the studio of Ricardo Arias, a prestigious advertising photographer, and had his first contact with digital photography.
José Ayma: Chief Photographer of "El Mundo". He is a portrait photographer. For this photographer of "El Mundo", to photograph is to uncover a reality that is sometimes uncomfortable for the person being photographed". He has been a photographer for the newspaper El Mundo since 1992. He has covered national and international events of all kinds and has achieved great recognition through portraiture.
Susana Girón: Professional photographer. Contributor to the New York Times, Stern, CNN, Days Japan, Die Zeit, El País, GEO, Terra Mater, El Mundo, Iberia Excelente, La Nación .... She has held exhibitions in Canada, Portugal, Finland, France, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Israel, United Kingdom...She has participated in festivals in: Barcelona, Argentina, Arles (France), or Madrid.
José Luis Amores. Director EFTI. International Centre of Photography and Cinema. Editor and curator of exhibitions. He has participated as a jury member in over a hundred competitions and scholarships.