
Santiago de Compostela

"A vivir que son 100 años". A scientific vision of longevity and healthy ageing.

"A vivir que son 100 años". A scientific vision of longevity and healthy ageing.

The Fundación General CSIC (FGCSIC) today inaugurates the exhibition "A vivir que son 100 años". A scientific vision of longevity and healthy ageing. The event will be presided over by the Magnificent Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Antonio López Díaz, and will be attended by Xesús Lage Picos, Professor of Sociology at the University of Vigo. It will take place at 19:30 hours in the Salón Nobre de Pazo de Fonseca s/n, Santiago de Compostela.

This exhibition invites you to travel the path of life and face the aging process, showing those factors that can determine that this itinerary is carried out in the best possible conditions. In this way, visitors will discover that continuous learning, optimal nutrition, physical exercise or social relations are some of the aspects that greatly influence this process.

The exhibition also analyses issues of general interest such as the effects of retirement on each person, the maintenance of the current state of well-being, medical and technological advances in ageing, or the functioning of pension and health systems.

An interesting route, made up of audiovisual and interactive panels, which offers two parallel itineraries: one dealing with the experience of individual ageing; and the other focusing on issues affecting collective or demographic ageing.

The final objective is, on the one hand, to improve the understanding of the phenomenon of ageing and, on the other, to promote innovative initiatives that contribute to transforming this process into a source of opportunities.

The exhibition "A vivir que son 100 años" is part of the 'International Centre on Ageing' (CENIE) project, part of the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and whose aim is to promote interregional cooperation between the two countries along their borders to improve the quality of life of their citizens.