Advances in the OLD-HEPAMARKER Research Programme

At present, and despite the efforts made by numerous research groups, there are no non-invasive biomarkers, which allow an early and reliable diagnosis of the development of liver tumours in patients at risk, although several markers have shown promising results. Nor are the mechanisms that tumour cells develop to defend themselves against chemotherapy known in detail, although in recent years some advances have been made that may enable a personalised medicine to offer better results in the future.
One of the objectives of the individual project "Serum metabolomic analysis for the detection of preneoplastic liver damage in people with age-increased fragility" is to validate the diagnostic capacity of a group of metabolites selected in a recent study carried out in a small number of patients with liver tumours.
In the previous study, performed in patients with hepatocarcinoma (HCC, mean age 60 years), intrahepatic ACH (iCCA, mean age 71 years) and older healthy subjects (Control), several metabolites were identified in serum with better diagnostic values for iCCA and for HCC than those presented by nonspecific tumor markers CA 19-9 and AFP, which are usually measured in blood to aid in the diagnosis of ACH and HCC, respectively. In addition, the joint analysis of four metabolites; two amino acids: glycine and aspartic acid, and two sphingomyelins: SM(42:3) and SM(43:2), was found to accurately discriminate between the two types of tumors.
In order to carry out a validation study, it is necessary to obtain a large number of samples from patients, which is why we have contacted researchers from different Spanish and European hospitals.
In the case of the iCCA it is more complicated, as it is a rare tumor, but thanks to the recent launch of a European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA,, @CcaEns) and one of its projects, the creation of an anonymized database of ACH cases with information on available biological samples along with the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of each case, we have access to a significant number of patient samples.
The inclusion criteria to be met by the patients who can be selected for the study and the exclusion criteria have been defined (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients selected for validation metabolomic analysis.
Within the information collected from patients to compare results are included: age, gender, underlying diseases (cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholism, diabetes), tumor characteristics (location, size, number, existence or not of metastasis), blood test values, with special attention to parameters that are used to check the health of the liver and that may help detect some liver diseases. These parameters include: bilirubin, transaminases (ALT, AST), alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, total proteins, or albumin.
Figure 2. Parameters that are analyzed in blood that give us information on liver health.
One characteristic observed in the initial study is that most patients with HCC had underlying cirrhosis, whereas this only occurred in 20% of patients with iCCA.
In order for a marker to have diagnostic value, it must serve to distinguish the presence of a tumour from other pathologies of the liver and, in our case, it must also make it possible to discriminate between the two types of liver tumour. In addition, it should not be affected by the presence of other pathologies, or by the taking of medications, frequent in elderly people, some of which may affect the metabolism, as may be the case of statins to lower cholesterol levels.
Therefore, in the validation study we propose to include patients with iCCA with different underlying diseases, mainly cirrhosis and fatty liver, and among the patients with HCC will be selected a group that do not have cirrhosis and another with overweight / obesity.
Currently, the number of patients of each type (n=40) is about to be reached in order to begin the processing of the samples and the determination of metabolites and, subsequently, to analyse the results.
Another objective of the study is to identify markers to discriminate the distal AAC (dCCA) located in the head of the pancreas from ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (PDAC). This is important, since each type of tumor requires a different pharmacological treatment and in some patients, especially in the elderly, a biopsy cannot be performed to have a confirmation by pathological anatomy of the tumor. In addition, it is important to distinguish it from other benign pathologies such as cysts or pancreatitis.
Currently, the metabolomic study has already been carried out in subjects with dCCA, PDAC, benign pathologies of the pancreas and healthy subjects (n=40 cases/group) divided into two independent patient cohorts (research and confirmation), the data have already begun to be analysed and in the coming weeks we will have preliminary results.
We hope that several metabolites can be identified that, perhaps analyzed together, and with other available data from the clinical history and other tests performed on these older patients, can help in the diagnosis of these tumors.
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- Arbelaiz A, Lapitz A, Krawczyk M, Santos-Laso A, Lavin JL, Perugorria MJ, Jimenez-Aguero R, Lacasta A, Ibarra C, Sanchez-Campos A, Jimeno JP, Gonzalez E, Lammert F, Marzioni M, Macias RI, Marin JJ, Karlsen TH, Falcon-Perez J, Aransay AM, L Bujanda, JM Banales. Serum and urine extracellular vesicles contain mRNA biomarkers for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). J Hepatol. 2018; 68: S435.
- Banales JM, Cardinale V, Carpino G, Marzioni M, Andersen JB, Invernizzi P, Lind GE, Folseraas T, Forbes SJ, Fouassier L, Geier A, Calvisi DF, Mertens JC, Trauner M, Benedetti A, Maroni L, Vaquero J, Macias RI, Raggi C, Perugorria MJ, Gaudio E, Boberg KM, Marin JJ, Alvaro D. Expert consensus document: Cholangiocarcinoma: current knowledge and future perspectives consensus statement from the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA). Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016; 13: 261-80.
- Banales JM, Cardinale V, Macias RI, Andersen JB, Braconi C, Carpino G, Alvaro D, Calvisi DF. Cholangiocarcinoma: State of the art knowledge and challenges. Liver International 39, 5-6.
- Banales JM, Iñarrairaegui M, Arbelaiz A, Milkiewicz P, Muntané J, Muñoz-Bellvis L, La Casta A, Gonzalez LM, Arretxe E, Alonso C, Martínez-Arranz I, Lapitz A, Santos-Laso A, Avila MA, Martínez-Chantar ML, Bujanda L, Marin JJG, Sangro B, Macias RI. Serum Metabolites as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Cholangiocarcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Hepatology 2019; 70: 547-562.
- Lozano E, Sanchez-Vicente L, Monte MJ, Herraez E, Briz O, Banales JM, Marin JJ, Macias RI. Cocarcinogenic effects of intrahepatic bile acid accumulation in cholangiocarcinoma development. Mol Cancer Res. 2014; 12: 91-100.
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- Macias RI, Banales JM, Sangro B, Muntané J, Avila MA, Lozano E, Perugorria MJ, Padillo FJ, Bujanda L, Marin JJG. The search for novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cholangiocarcinoma. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018; 1864: 1468-1477.
- Macias RI, Kornek M, Rodrigues PM, Paiva NA, Castro RE, Urban S, Pereira SP, Cadamuro M, Rupp C, Loosen SH, Luedde T, Banales JM. Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cholangiocarcinoma. Liver Int. 2019; 39: 108-122.
- Marin JJG, Briz O, Herraez E, Lozano E, Asensio M, Di Giacomo S, Romero MR, Osorio-Padilla LM, Santos-Llamas AI, Serrano MA, Armengol C, Efferth T, Macias RI. Molecular bases of the poor response of liver cancer to chemotherapy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2018; 42: 182-192.
- Marin JJG, Lozano E, Herraez E, Asensio M, Di Giacomo S, Romero MR, Briz O, Serrano MA, Efferth T, Macias RI. Chemoresistance and chemosensitization in cholangiocarcinoma. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2018; 1864: 1444-1453.
- Santos-Laso A, Lamarca A, La Casta A, Braconi C, Adeva J, Evert M, Forner A, Macias RI, Krawczyk M, Izquierdo-Sanchez L, Cardinale V, Carpino G, Alvaro D, Valle JW, Banales JM. European cholangiocarcinoma (EU-CCA) registry: An initiative to broaden awareness on the second most common primary liver cancer. J Hepatol. 2019; 70: S846-S847.