
Campus das Gambelas

I Healthy Ageing Workshop - Live Well, Grow Older Better

I Healthy Ageing Workshop - Live Well, Grow Older Better

The University of Algarve, within the CENIE project - International Centre on Ageing, organised on 27 October 2017, the 1st Healthy Ageing Conference - Living Well, Ageing Better with the aim of discussing and promoting quality of life in the ageing process.

The purpose of these days was to stimulate reflection on successful ageing, based on experiences that promote greater social participation, health and safety of older people in communities. The programme of this event was designed with different audiences in mind, so parallel sessions were held for the general public and for technicians and carers. The initiatives aimed at the general public took place in the Grand Auditorium of the Campus das Gambelas. The sessions aimed at professionals in the area took place in the Green Auditorium of the Faculty of Science and Technology, also on the Gambelas Campus. 

The initiative was attended by more than 500 people. In addition to some 200 technicians, managers and caregivers from associations, homes, municipalities and the merciados, the presence of 250 users from homes and day centres from all over the Algarve was confirmed.