Andrew Mason
Estados Unidos de América
Professor of Economics, University of Hawaii
Andrew Mason is Professor of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Senior
Fellow at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. He is a member of the Center for
the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA) at the University of California,
Berkeley. Mason and Ron Lee co-founded the National Transfer Accounts
( network, an international effort involving teams from over seventy
countries developing and applying a comprehensive approach to measuring and
studying the generational economy. Mason has authored or co-authored more than
100 journal articles and book chapters and co-authored or co-edited more than twenty-
five books and monographs including Population Aging and the Generational Economy: A Global
Perspective, a finalist for the Paul A. Samuelson Award and selected as an Outstanding Academic
Publication by Choice Magazine. He earned a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan.
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