Pedro Luís de Oliveira Martins Pita Barros
Professor at the Nova University of Lisbon
Pedro Pita Barros began his academic career as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 1988 and, since July 2002, has been a professor at the same institution.

He published his first work in the area of health in 1995 - Financing the Health System in Portugal - in co-authorship with Diogo de Lucena and Miguel Gouveia. He has more than 150 publications in the area of health. This makes him one of the Portuguese researchers in health economics with the most publications in the last 25 years. He has a book published by Almedina - "Economia da Saúde" - which has already had several editions, besides being editor of other titles in the same collection.

He has been editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management since 2008 and member of the Editorial Board of Health Care Management Science since 1998. He has also held editorial positions in Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Portuguese Economic Journal and member of the Scientific Council of Acta Médica Portuguesa. He was editor of one of the most important papers in Health Economics - the Health Economics Manual (Volume 2) with Thomas C. McGuire and Mark V. Pauly in 2012.

Since 2012, he has been a member of the Panel of Experts on efficient ways to invest in health of the European Commission for Health Investment. Between 2005 and 2010 he was a member of the Kenneth J. Arrow Prize Committee, awarded annually by the International Health Economics Association.

He was also a member of the Commission for the Sustainability of National Health Service Funding by appointment of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Finance between 2006 and 2007. And Chairman of the Commission for the Reform of the Disease Assistance Model for State Officials (ADSE), appointed by the Minister of Health in 2016.

He has already received several awards and distinctions as Grand Officer of the Order of Infante D. Henrique, a distinction awarded by the President of the Portuguese Republic, Dr. Jorge Sampaio, in June 2005.
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