

4th Think Tank - "Brain health, conversation with everyone!"

4th Think Tank - "Brain health, conversation with everyone!"

With the aim of contributing to the development of strategies for the prevention of mental health and thus improve the quality of life of the population, the University of the Algarve, within the Project "Programme for a Longevity Society" (0551_PSL_6_E) funded by INTERREG V-A, Spain Portugal, (POCTEP), financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), will organise the fourth Think Tank on Longevity, this one on the theme "Brain Health, a conversation with everyone!

List of invited experts:

Hipólito Nzwalo, PhD: Bachelor in Medicine, Master in Stroke Medicine and Sleep Sciences, PhD in Clinical Research, Specialist in Neurology, currently lecturer in the Integrated Master in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Algarve.

Joana Gomes, Doctor: general practitioner at the USF of Quarteira, and currently a member of the Mental Health Group of WONCA.

Ana Germano, Nurse: Graduate in Nursing, Nurse Specialist in Public Health Nursing and with extensive experience as a Nurse, Nurse Specialist and Head Nurse.

Ezequiel Pinto, PhD: Degree in Dietetics, Master in Epidemiology, PhD in Medicine and Biosciences and specialist in Community Nutrition and Public Health, he is currently a lecturer at the School of Health of the University of the Algarve.

Carlos Campaniço, Master: Degree in Portuguese Studies - Modern Languages and Literatures, Master in Arab, Islamic and Mediterranean Culture, has several publications and literary distinctions, and is a professional programmer and art producer.

This Think Tank will be streamed live on Algarve Active Ageing's Facebook page, at 16h00 Portuguese time.

You can access it here and ask your questions.