
Campus das Gambelas - Faro

Bone, Muscle and Joints in Elderly- The role of primary care

 Ossos, músculos e articulações na terceira idade - O papel dos cuidados primários

Exercise is an unquestionable variable to consider in the management of several chronic disease, evolving joints (Osteoarthritis), Bone (Osteoporosis) and muscular (Sarcopenia) as we grow older. The challenge to maintain function in elderly population is enormous, as we have to manage treatment mainly with non-pharmacological approaches, once for instance there are still no know modifying drugs for osteoarthritis which is among the leading reasons of medication consumption (analgesics for pain). 

Primary care, has a huge role in the management of chronic diseases in elderly and in the prescription and orientation to exercise in order to improve functional, increase strength and muscular mass and decrease joint pain. The role of health care professionals in motivating patients to be more physically active has been recognized. The workshop promoted by the CENIE Project, ARS_Algarve and ABC, has the aim to share best practices regarding exercise and the management of Osteoarthritis and sarcopenia. How can health professionals and medical doctors motivate patients do improve their adherence to exercise. 


KAREN HIND - Durham University / United Kingdom Was appointed to the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences of Durham University in the United Kingdom in September 2018. Following a Doctoral Fellowship in the School of Medicine, University of Leedsa. Is a Certified Clinical Densitometrist and a member of Leadership Committee of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD).  
BOŠTJAN ŠIMUNIČ -Institute for Kinesiology Research / Slovenia Principal researcher in the Institute for Kinesiology Research. His research fields are: Methods for skeletal muscle contractile properties assessment, Effects of aging and physical inactivity on skeletal muscles, Development and evaluation of public health intervention programs, Development and evaluation of rehabilitation procedures after injuries and illnesses. 

JONATHAN QUICKE - Keele University / United Kingdom Academic Clinical Lecturer in Physiotherapy with a focus on osteoarthritis and long-term conditions at the “Primary Care Centre Versus Arthritis” at Keele University in the United Kingdom. His senior musculoskeletal clinical roles have included working in general practice, outpatients, and interdisciplinary pain management programmes for people with complex and chronic pain.  

SANDRA PAIS - Universidade do Algarve / Portugal  Docente e investigadora da UALG. Membro do European Innovation Partership on Active and Healthy Aging (EIP-AHA); e de várias Task Forces do European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). Coordenadena atualmente dois Projetos Europeus:  CENIE (2017-2019) e “Programa para uma Sociedade Longeva” (2019-2021).  

RUI LOURENÇO – UCSP de Quarteira / Portugal Médico de Família. Consultor em MGF. Assistente Graduado Sénior em MGF. Tutor clínico em MGF no Mestrado Integrado de Med. da Universidade do Algarve. Orientador de formação de Médicos intertnos de MGF. Investigador médico - GP Champion - no projeto europeu JIGSAW-E 

NICOLE CHAVES – DGS / PORTUGAL Licenciada em Psicologia. Desde 2015 colabora na Direção-Geral da Saúde na Divisão de Saúde Sexual, Reprodutiva, Infantil e Juvenil; Divisão de Estilos de Vida Saudável e Núcleo sobre Género e Equidade em Saúde. Atualmente é técnica Superior na Divisão de Literacia, Saúde Bem-Estar e responsável técnica pela Joint Action ADVANTAGE. 

RENATO E. PROENÇA DOS SANTOS – ARS_Algarve / Portugal Médico de Familiar. Assessor do Conselho Diretivo da ARS Algarve. Faz parte do Núcleo de Monitorização e Análise de Medicamentos e MCDT,  da Equipa de Coordenação Regional dos Cuidados Continuados Integrados do Algarve e do  Grupo de Coordenação Regional do Programa de Prevenção e Controlo de Infeções e Resistência aos Antimicrobianos.  Comissão Nacional de Farmácia e Terapêutica 

The workshop is free, but you must register through the following link:

International Workshop or through the mail: