

Over 7600 photos and 2248 participants from 103 countries

Over 7600 photos and 2248 participants from 103 countries

"Age doesn't mean getting old, just growing older" fills the contest of the international centre on ageing (CENIE) with imagesImagen que contiene persona, pared, mujer, interiorDescripción generada automáticamente

Juan José Berenguer Fernández is the author of this work and is one of the participants in the CENIE contest

The announcement of the photography contest of the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, framed in the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE), has been a success in terms of participation, with a total of 7,617 photos from 103 countries having been submitted. The competition, entitled 'Age doesn't mean getting old, just growing older', includes eight prizes ranging from 1,250 to 5,000 euros, which will be decided by an exceptional jury with Ouka Leele, along with Carmen Dalmau, Miguel Oriola, Carlos de Andrés, María Santoyo and José Luis Amores.

The photographic competition 'Age doesn't mean getting old, just growing older' is a contribution, in a positive way, to favour cultural change, promoted by the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) that tries to be an answer to this phenomenon that is changing the world we live in. It is time to change attitudes towards ageing and promote a cultural change. In this way we can help people to live longer, active and independent lives, and also help our societies to take advantage of the opportunities inherent in a new social reality.

This activity developed by CENIE is part of the INTERREG V-A Programme, Spain-Portgal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund.

The evaluation of the images received and the selection of the winners will be carried out by the Jury formed by the following professionals: 

  • Ouka Leele. National Photography Award. Photographer and Artist with an extensive national and international career. With work in amounts institutions and public and private collections.
  • Carmen Dalmau: Graduate in Art History and Modern and Contemporary History. Director of Galeria Cero. Professor of Art History and Aesthetics. Independent curator and art critic. Author of the photography blog "Ante vuestros ojos".
  • Miguel Oriola: Since his first exhibition in 1971 he has held countless exhibitions in national and international galleries. His work is present in public and private collections. In 1980 he founded and directed the magazine POPtografia. He has collaborated in publications such as Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Tendencias, El País, Vanidad, German Play boy etc.
  • Carlos de Andrés. Photographer and reporter. Works for the most important national and international publications and Getty Images. His work has been presented in more than 60 exhibitions around the world. Winner of scholarships from La Caixa, Unicaja, Bankia and Mapfre. With work in important institutions and Museums around the world.
  • María Santoyo: Director of the International Master of Contemporary Photography. Graduate in Art History from the UCM. Researcher, cultural manager and professor specialized in History of Photography and Image Analysis. Exhibition curator.  Director of international projects (Aperture Foundation, Magnum Photos, Kathy Ryan, Mónica Allende and Trisha Ziff), she teaches at the Instituto Superior de Arte, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the Universidad Europea, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EFTI and NYU de Madrid.
  • José Luis Amores: Director of EFTI. International Centre of Photography and Film. Editor and curator of exhibitions. He has participated as a jury in a hundred contests and scholarships.

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