Partnership agreement for the analysis of long-lived societies
The Economic and Social Council of Spain, the Economic and Social Council of Portugal, the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca signed a framework collaboration agreement to continue the work carried out by CENIE, jointly undertaking the implementation of the New Long-Lived Societies project.
This framework agreement only makes our vocation more explicit by ensuring that institutions of the prestige and representativeness of the Economic and Social Councils of Spain and Portugal, in addition to the participation of the University of Salamanca and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, are incorporated, with their valuable contribution to the work already undertaken.
This represents a qualitative and quantitative leap in what has been developed so far, as both Economic and Social Councils are institutional platforms of the highest relevance, in permanent dialogue and deliberation with economic and social agents and with the executive and legislative powers, which will help longevity, and all that it implies, to acquire priority value in the political, economic and social agendas of both countries.