What can you find in the Alzheimers Dictionary?

The Alzheimers Dictionary is the bridge that connects all those affected and related to Alzheimers and dementias with the terms, concepts and expressions that are part of this field. To understand them is to better understand what we are dealing with. A living and constantly growing space, which will evolve with new terms and expressions with your help, responding to your needs and demands. This is a tool that is in no way intended to replace conversations with specialised doctors. For family members and informal carers, it can be a link to a world of which they are unfamiliar with the technicalities. Shedding light, accompanying them on a difficult path in which knowledge helps to make better decisions and improve the quality of life of patients and relatives.
This project has been carried out by a team of philologists and lexicographers from several universities and research centres who have previously worked on different research projects focusing on the field of specialised lexicography, particularly medical lexicography. These projects, like this one, have been directed by Professor Bertha M. Gutiérrez Rodilla, from the University of Salamanca (Spain), who has been dedicated for more than twenty years to the diachronic and synchronic study of scientific language and medical language and is renowned for her publications in this field.

libro de la memoria

life history book

Probable calco del inglés life history book.


Se trata de un libro donde se recogen los datos y fotografías más destacables de la vida del paciente y sirve, como estrategia terapéutica en una fase temprana de la enfermedad, para estimular la memoria e intentar que recupere los hechos agradables del pasado. El libro o cuaderno puede estar organizado por etapas (infancia, juventud, madurez), y tiene interés tanto para el paciente como para los cuidadores, pues les sirve para saber más de la persona que cuidan. Además, el libro se convertirá en un valioso recuerdo familiar.


«El libro de la memoria constituye la recopilación de toda la información personal relevante, desde datos puramente biográficos hasta acontecimientos transcendentales de la trayectoria vital del paciente. El objetivo de un libro de este tipo es poder disponer en todo momento de un instrumento personalizado y adaptado a cada enfermo que le ayude a situarse tanto en sus reminiscencias como en su realidad actual» (Peña-Casanova, 1999b: 5).

Documento que recoge toda la información posible y relevante sobre la vida del paciente.